Best 60+ New Apps Vultr Marketplace For You to Deploy New VPS hosting, Cloud Compute

If you're looking for a reliable, fast and affordable VPS hosting provider, then you should definitely check out the Vultr Cloud Compute (VCC) service. With Vultr, you can deploy new VPS instances in seconds, and there are a large variety of operating systems and software configurations to choose from. In addition, Vultr's network is one of the most reliable and fastest in the industry. This makes them an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes that are looking for a reliable and affordable VPS hosting provider.

Deploy new VPS

The Vultr Marketplace is a one-stop-shop for all your VPS hosting needs. With 60 new apps to choose from, you can deploy a new VPS hosting solution in minutes. The Marketplace offers a wide range of applications and services, including WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and many more. And with 24/7 customer support, you're always taken care of. So what are you waiting for? Start browsing the Vultr Marketplace today!

OpenVPN Access Server By openvpninc Transform your business with a secure and powerful Virtual Private Network (VPN) software from… DEPLOY APP
CyberPanel By LiteSpeed_Technologies CyberPanel is a next-generation hosting control panel, which provides a friendly user interface and… DEPLOY APP
OpenLiteSpeed WordPress By LiteSpeed_Technologies Blazing-fast WordPress with LSCache, 300+ times faster than regular… DEPLOY APP
Cloudron By cloudron Complete solution for running apps on your own… DEPLOY APP
CloudPanel 1 By cloudpanel CloudPanel is a FREE and modern server control panel for high-performance PHP… DEPLOY APP
UTunnel VPN By Secubytes A powerful yet versatile Virtual Private Network (VPN) server application. UTunnel VPN supports… DEPLOY APP
OpenLiteSpeed NodeJS By LiteSpeed_Technologies A lightweight app which automatically installs OpenLiteSpeed and… DEPLOY APP
WarpSpeed VPN By Bunker Web-based VPN server powered by… DEPLOY APP
AzuraCast By azuracast Simple, Self-Hosted Web Radio Management… DEPLOY APP
FASTPANEL By FASTPANEL FASTPANEL is a free website management tool that aims to break the mold and make site administration… DEPLOY APP
Jelastic DevOps PaaS By Jelastic Platform-as-a-Service for more power with less complexity and exceptional developer… DEPLOY APP
Bitnami via Vultr - Magento By bitnami-via-vultr The Bitnami Magento Stack provides a one-click install solution for… DEPLOY APP
ServerWand By ServerWand Server management without the configuration… DEPLOY APP
Minecraft (Vanilla) By vultr-labs The official Minecraft server… DEPLOY APP
Owncast By owncast Your self-hosted live streaming and chat… DEPLOY APP
Gitea By Gitea A painless self-hosted Git… DEPLOY APP
Chevereto By chevereto Chevereto is a turnkey, full-featured self-hosted image hosting… DEPLOY APP
OpenLiteSpeed Django By LiteSpeed_Technologies A lightweight app which automatically installs OpenLiteSpeed and… DEPLOY APP
Microweber Website Builder By microweber Microweber Website Builder with… DEPLOY APP
Minecraft (PaperSpigot) By vultr-labs The PaperSpigot Minecraft server… DEPLOY APP
Squidex By squidex_ug Squidex Deployment with MongoDB and Caddy Reverse Proxy using Lets Encrypt for… DEPLOY APP
ONLYOFFICE Workspace By Ascensio_System A secure productivity suite for efficient team management and… DEPLOY APP
Minecraft (Forge) By vultr-labs The MinecraftForge server… DEPLOY APP
ClusterControl By Severalnines Manage and monitor MySQL, MariaDB Server, MariaDB Galera, Percona Server, Percona XtraDB,… DEPLOY APP
Helpy Pro By helpyio Helpy Pro is the self-hosted customer support platform engineered for companies that are serious… DEPLOY APP
NirvaShare By NirvaShare Secure Share and Collaborate Files from Object… DEPLOY APP
ONLYOFFICE Docs By Ascensio_System Lightweight browser-based editors for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations of all popular… DEPLOY APP
Minecraft (Bedrock) By vultr-labs The official Bedrock Minecraft server… DEPLOY APP
Restyaboard By restya Restyaboard is an open-source alternative to Trello, but with smart additional features like offline… DEPLOY APP
Ant Media Server Community Edition By antmedia Publishing Video with WebRTC, RTMP and RTSP - Playing Video with WebRTC, RTMP, RTSP, HLS - Adaptive… DEPLOY APP
OpenLiteSpeed Rails By LiteSpeed_Technologies A lightweight app which automatically installs OpenLiteSpeed, Ruby and… DEPLOY APP
Roxy-WI By Roxy-wi Roxy-WI was created for people who want to have a fault-tolerant infrastructure, but do not want to… DEPLOY APP
Easypanel By easypanel Launch Easypanel on your server with a few… DEPLOY APP
Coder By coder Provision & manage remote dev environments with support for VS Code, JetBrains, SSH, Jupyter, and… DEPLOY APP
Mist Community Edition By Mist Mist is an open source platform for managing heterogeneous computing infrastructure, aka a… DEPLOY APP
PyboxTech-Med By pyboxtech Pyboxtech-Med is an EHR (Electronic Health Record) system for doctors and… DEPLOY APP
Ant Media Server Enterprise Edition By antmedia Publishing Video with WebRTC, RTMP and RTSP - Playing Video with WebRTC, RTMP, RTSP, HLS - Adaptive… DEPLOY APP
Yarn By prologic is a decentralised self-hosted social media that has a privacy-first… DEPLOY APP
Lume Web DNS Relay By hammertech Lume Web is your decentralized gateway to the next internet, Web3, also known as the DWeb. The DNS… DEPLOY APP
Keitaro By Keitaro All in one tracking tool for affiliate marketing and media… DEPLOY APP
Jamulus By vultr-labs Internet Jam Session… DEPLOY APP
CloudHub By cloudhub ZeroOutages CloudHub & SD-WAN for Secure Network… DEPLOY APP
FileCloud By FileCloud FileCloud is an enterprise-class file sharing and sync solution for homes or businesses that allows… DEPLOY APP
LEMP By Vultr One-Click LEMP is the abbreviation of Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP. Using these technologies, it's possible to… DEPLOY APP
WordPress By Vultr One-Click WordPress was started in 2003 and is now used by over 20% of the top 10 million… DEPLOY APP
WooCommerce By Vultr One-Click WooCommerce is one of the most popular store fronts in… DEPLOY APP
Webmin By Vultr One-Click New to the world of system administration? Or perhaps you prefer managing your servers through a web… DEPLOY APP
ownCloud By Vultr One-Click ownCloud is a one-stop solution that gives you control over your data on the… DEPLOY APP
cPanel By Vultr One-Click Whether you're a system administrator, website owner, or web hosting provider, the cPanel & WHM… DEPLOY APP
Drupal By Vultr One-Click You're just one step away from launching Drupal core on a Vultr… DEPLOY APP
Docker By Vultr One-Click Docker makes it possible to package applications into a single container. Vultr provides the… DEPLOY APP
LAMP By Vultr One-Click LAMP is the abbreviation of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. These open-source technologies are used… DEPLOY APP
Joomla By Vultr One-Click Ready to start a website with an award winning, open-source… DEPLOY APP
Mediawiki By Vultr One-Click Collaborative content management for the web with premier Wiki… DEPLOY APP
PrestaShop By Vultr One-Click The fully featured e-commerce solution. Start an online shop in just… DEPLOY APP
Nextcloud By Vultr One-Click Nextcloud is a safe home for your data. Secure file access, file sharing, web apps, online document… DEPLOY APP
Gitlab By Vultr One-Click GitLab lets you create, view, and manage your Git repositories on the… DEPLOY APP
Plesk By Vultr One-Click Plesk is a powerful control panel built to make management of your websites and apps… DEPLOY APP
Jitsi By Vultr One-Click Secure, Simple and Scalable Video… DEPLOY APP
CentOS Web Panel By Vultr One-Click A free web hosting control panel designed for quick and easy… DEPLOY APP
Pritunl By Vultr One-Click Free open source enterprise distributed VPN… DEPLOY APP
The Vultr Marketplace is a great way to quickly and easily install applications on your Vultr server. With the Marketplace, you can find and install popular applications with just a few clicks. The Marketplace makes it easy to get started with your applications, and you can be up and running in no time. The Marketplace also includes a wide variety of applications, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. Plus, the Marketplace is constantly expanding, so there's always something new to try. The Vultr Marketplace is a great way to get the most out of your Vultr server.

In conclusion, there are many great new apps on the Vultr Marketplace. If you are looking for a new VPS hosting provider, or want to try out cloud compute, the Vultr Marketplace is a great place to start. Thanks for reading!
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